Thursday 13 August 2020

Pax Boche Themed Month - part eleven

These three metal figures are from the original Pax Bochemannica box set. They are the last of the original box set that need painting up - the leader, a hobgoblin character and a Noman Legionnaire.

All three have been mounted onto 2p coins with the groundwork first built up from Milliput and then further textured with sand applied over PVA glue. I used a spare oval shield for the hobgoblin and some acrylic paste to add some fine detail or hide mould lines (the white areas). I also used superglue to add some bulk to the hobgoblins legs as I thought they were an obvious weak point being so thin just above the shoes. The legionnaires Pilum has been rebuilt with some stronger piano wire as once again I thought it was another weak point in the metal casting.

The three figures were then undercoated in a dark brown/black acrylic colour after I had spray painted them with Tamiya grey primer. Once again I am using my cork stopper figure holder (more on these in another post).

Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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