Tuesday 18 August 2020

Pax Boche Themed Month - part fifteen

The latest Blog post features these superbly cast resin models from Maveryc Games/Pax Bochemannica - Eastern or Hobgoblin Auxiliary Archers. They come four to a pack, but I was given an additional pre-production casting, so as you can see I have five. They have been mounted onto 2p coins with Milliput epoxy putty used to build up the bases. I used scraps of plastic card under the miniatures feet as they come without cast-on bases and would have looked strange when placed alongside my other Pax Boche minis which do have cast-on bases.

I have also used superglue and accelerator to thicken-up the bow shafts as I thought the originals looked a little too thin and brittle and would be an obvious point of damage if left as originally cast.

I believe that they are available via Steve Blease see Pax Bochemannica Facebook for more details.

Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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