Sunday 23 August 2020

Pax Boche Themed Month - part nineteen

Another post but this time, it's not a Pax Bochemannica miniature. The metal miniature is a Dwarf Druid 03216 from Reaper Miniatures which I plan on using as a Boche Druid proxy.

The two part metal miniature comes with a cute little badger which I might use as a familiar.

After I had attached the blade of the scythe, I mounted the Dwarf onto a 1p coin (the same as the rest of my Boche), built up the base or groundwork with Milliput and further textured the base with sand (applied over PVA glue).

The mini was undercoated in a dark brown colour mixed from Charred Brown (Vallejo) and black.

More updates soon, but for now stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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