Friday 28 August 2020

Pax Boche Themed Month - part twenty-three

This metal casting has been on my to-do list for ages. I thought it would work well as a large familiar for the Dwarf Druid figure. The bear is mounted onto a 2p coin with the groundwork built up from Milliput and some fine sand. In this first image, the bear has been basecoated with a very dark brown mixed from Charred Brown (Vallejo Game Color) and black.

Painting progressed quickly with lots of drybrushing and the odd wash. The detail painting around the head and particularly the mouth didn't take that long and the base has been painted dark brown, highlighted with a lighter tone and the odd stone picked out in grey, highlighted with white.

The final image shows the Reaper Dwarf alongside, giving an idea of the size of this miniature bear. Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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