Monday 21 September 2020

A weekend project

While tidying the garage, I came across this coffee table top. I'd already started work on the exposed edges, but this had long ago become one of those started but never finished projects. In fact I had started using it as a base for spray painting.

I thought it was time I did something with it

I grabbed a piece of expanded polystyrene and trimmed it to shape, then using some scrap wood, I lined the edges. At this time it was all very rough and ready - just scrap materials I had lying about, some glue and a couple of nails.

The polystyrene was covered with some paper mache and ready-mixed filler to which I had added both PVA glue and acrylic paint.

The temple base was built from an off cut of blue foam and plaster castings of cut stone that I had been given many years ago. I used my hot glue gun for most of the basis construction and set the temple base at an angle to give more interest to the composition.

So far ALL of t he materials used were lying about and spare. I thought it would be interesting if I could continue with this theme and see just how far I could go, building this display board using materials I had to hand.

Construction time so far - about three hours.

More updated to come.


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