Monday 14 September 2020

Roman Mile Fort featured in Miniature Wargames - part two

Miniature Wargames issue 450 (October 2020) has the second part of my tutorial/article showing how I scratch-built and painted a 28mm scale Roman Mile Fort that was in turn inspired by the ancient Airfix kit. Details of part one can be found here. In part two I show how I finished and painted the fort.

Here are a couple of images of the finished model - for more details of MW, see this link.

Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling



  1. You've produced a lovely pair of articles there. I showed them to my Dad, who has one of the old Airfix kits that predates my birth. He was as delighted to see it as I was. Nicely done, sir!


  2. Thank you.

    I never owned the original Airfix Roman Fort, just one of the snap together forts that I didn't have. I was really keen to produce something that would pay homage to the Airfix kit and I think I have.

