Sunday 25 October 2020

The Crowsnest Chronicles by Roy C. Link

Earlier this week Sue bought me this book - The Crowsnest Chronicles by Roy C. Link. 

The magazine format book is the story of one mans obsession in building the same narrow gauge railway layout in three separate scales; 1/48th scale, 1/19th scale and 1/32nd scale. I'll admit that I have been an admirer of Roy's work for some time and already have many of his articles and illustrations in my Narrow Gauge reference resource, for example Narrow Lines (the magazine of the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association) and the Narrow Gauge and Industrial Railway Review. In fact many of the illustrations are reprints from the later magazine but this 2020 publication ties together all of the articles and much more in this beautifully illustrated single volume.

I found myself browsing through the book and marvelling at the photographs and illustrations. The book details how Roy has planned and scratch built almost every detail of the layouts and is currently developing a fourth diorama layout in 1/16th scale! A real labour of love. This is a book I know that I will enjoy reading from cover-to-cover.

For more details see this link.

The Crowsnest Chronicles - Journey of a modelling lifetime... by Roy C. Link

Published by RCL Publications (2020)

96 pages, 174 photographs, 25 drawings, diagrams and plans

ISBN 978 - 0 - 9565157 - 7 - 3

List price £9.95

I'll review the contents at a later date - once I have had time to read it but for now, and based on the beautiful illustrations and subject matter - I'll give it a five star review.



  1. Three days on and I'm halfway through reading the book.

    A great read full of interesting information, techniques and hints, well worth picking up.

    But it's the illustrations that have impressed.


  2. Another update.....

    One week after receiving the book I can report that I have now read it from cover-to-cover and enjoyed every word, illustration and photo. This really is a great read and as stated earlier I have no hesitation at all in giving it a five star review.

