Sunday 27 December 2020

Christmas 2020

2020 has been very different for lots of reasons, but we've tried to keep Christmas as normal as possible and I've included this short list of gaming/modelling presents that I was lucky enough to receive this year.

Art Materials;

A new Seawhite sketch pad and it wouldn't be Christmas without at least one pack of DAS!

Handy Crafts;

A book of reproductions from the vintage craft magazine Hobbies full of great projects for the New Year.


From Holly. A book called The Secret Life Of The Pencil and a couple of very special mechanical pencils from OHTO

Christmas Wish List;

Wizards Eye - The Art Of Frostgrave a book I had specifically requested and with some help from Sue I received a copy from Father Christmas. A great book full of fantastic illustrations - some of which I am already planning on reproducing as wargame terrain.

An Inspirational Gift;

The Auster Arrow model airplane kit. The Auster wins this years competition as the best ever Christmas gift for two reasons. Firstly; it was a gift from my grandsons - that should be enough but there is also a story to this particular model.

Back in early lockdown I would Skype Finley and Charlie and read or tell them stories. And one story in particular about how my father would make model airplanes - the flying kind, built from balsa and tissue paper inspired me to produce a short picture story-book called; Bampi and the Big Red Plane. The plane that was featured was a Red Auster Arrow and Gary has managed to find that exact model kit as a Christmas gift. So expect a sequel to the first book showing how I build my Big Red Plane.....

Merry Christmas and thank you all.


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