Monday 14 December 2020

Retroloque a new Facebook Group

I have only recently been made aware of this Facebook Group - Retroloque is a site dedicated to the early years of Flintloque and Slaughterloo, particularly the years up to 1998. At this moment there are 47 members but growing every day.

I would suggest that anyone with an interest in Flintloque looks to become a member. You can find details here.

Good luck with the new project and I look forward to seeing more.



  1. I've just signed up so many thanks for announcing its creation otherwise I'd never have spotted it.

    I do love the old Flintloque figures and really need to get round to painting up some more.

    1. It would be great to see you paint some Flintloque figures, I really enjoyed following your Leviathan project a few years ago.
