Tuesday 5 January 2021

Flintloque Orc Line Infantry 54503

I was recently made aware of a new Facebook group named Retroloque - a group of like-minded modellers who collect paint and game the earlier rule sets for Flintloque. For more information see this link. Since the time that I joined the group it has been my intention to paint up a couple of miniatures from my collection of bare lead. Yesterday I watched the government announcement that England was once again entering lockdown and to keep my spirits up I thought it was time I started a new painting project.

I chose this box of Orc Line Infantry (54503) a box of metal soldiers that I have had for possibly twenty years! In fact the box had a reduced sticker from Beaties and was so old that the discounted price had been 'bleached' white.

The box contains eight Orc red-coats in the earlier 'tinnier' style metal that as you can see is in very good condition although all of the bayonets had been bent, distorted or broken.

My plan is to repair, base and paint this group over the next couple of weeks and as usual, I'll keep you updated as to the progress on this Blog.

During the first lockdown, back in March 2020, I found that my hobby of painting minis or building wargame terrain kept me from being too down-hearted and gave me something to keep my spirits up. I'm hoping that these comical, little lead figures will do the same this time around.

I am well aware that I am a very lucky guy, having a Man-Shed at the bottom of the garden where I can indulge my hobby and retire to when the world around us goes crazy. In fact I see my simple hobby of 'painting toy soldiers' as one of the main medicines in the fight against mental health issues and would recommend to every reader the simple pastime of painting toy soldiers.

Stay safe.



  1. Brings back the memories. Somewhere I have an entire plastic tub filled with Flintloque box sets just like that one. Buried on a shelf somewhere is a fair amount of painted Flintloque minis too! I may need to go find them now.

  2. Look forward to seeing how you get on with them!

    I must admit that my lockdown stress has eased considerably by painting miniatures and I've really enjoyed the gubbins getting posted up on Retroloque too since joining the group.
