Thursday 25 February 2021

Another Dwarf Regiment for Flintloque

Part One

Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting updates of my latest On-Line Build, another regiment of eight Flintloque miniatures, this time Dwarves. But instead of starting the themed thread with images and details of the particular figures I've chosen, I thought I'd start with this.....

My silly hobby of Painting Toy Soldiers

and how it helps me deal with the preasures of both everyday life 

and in particular this latest lockdown

I'll start by telling you of a conversation, I had with my daughter earlier this year. Holly subscribes to a number of magazine titles, in fact she bought me a subsciption to Airfix Model World last year and the monthly deliveries help to brighten my day when the mag drops on my doorstep. Holly as well as Gardening and Home magazines, subscibes to a new publication called The Simple Things - taking time to live well. Holly told me about one of the most recent articles which talked about how hobbies were helping many to deal with the latest lockdown restrictions and hobbies like painting, gardening and model making were mentioned as some of the pastimes that were particulary effective at helping with wellbeing during these times. This got me thinking.

I have often written of the fact that I find the time I spend in my shed at the bottom of the garden so benefitial, in fact I'd go further and openly state that it is my 'Good Place' a retreat from the pressures of everyday life and a Tardis like place where I will say "I'm just popping down the shed for a couple of minutes" and three hours later I'll be called by my wife, who can't believe how time seems to operate when I'm in my shed/Tardis!

This most recent lockdown has been more difficult as the winter weather and muddy garden mean that trips to the shed are less frequent, but now as Spring aproaches and the days become warmer, I am finding that I can work down the shed with the doors open. The new Facebook Group, Retroloque (focusing on early Flintloque rules and miniatures) rekindled my love of these 'chubby' toy soldiers and as anyone who follows my Blog will know, I've modified and painted up a number of figures over the last year. These latest posts will give details of a new Flintloque Dwarf regiment that I am currently working on, from the inspiration, through the modelling and then on to the painting.

I find that having a project like this helps to focus my day and gives me even more of an excuse to spend time down the shed.

As you can see I don't take my hobby too seriously - I'm just thankful that I can spend time building terrain, painting toy soldiers and writing articles for books and magazines. In fact should anyone want to commission me to model or write for them, please contact me at; dampfpanzerwagon(at), I'm always open to new challenges.....

Stay safe and keep modelling - It's official

Playing with silly toy soldiers is GOOD FOR YOU


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