Sunday 28 February 2021

Thirteen years of Blogging

Today marks the thirteenth anniversary of my first Dampfs' Modelling Page Blog post. It's been quite a journey with loads of posts and images recording my hobby and other things.....

I am well aware that Blogger may not have been the best medium to record this journey as the formatting is a little restricting, but after thirteen years, I've just got use to it and regular posting is now a habit I would find difficult to break. The thirteen years have seen little change in the way that I enjoy my hobby. I still enjoy painting Flintloque miniatures, I still make loads of scratch-built terrain and I'm still a bit of a 'butterfly' with relation to different games and genres. I make less masters for molding, but write more magazine articles. I have produced three self published books and two for Pen & Sword, with plans for a fourth self published wargame terrain book in the pipeline, but painting and building wargame terrain or toy soldiers still remains the core of my hobby. Over the last couple of years I had started to build demonstration gaming boards for various companies, but the world health issues have meant that few of these pieces are seen as gaming shows have been cancelled or postponed. I would hope that more big commisions are forthcoming, as I enjoy the challenges of designing and building these pieces. In addition, I am always open to writting and building terrain pieces for 'other' people or companies, so if you have a requirement, please contact me via the Blog or through; dampfpanzerwagon(at)

My plans for the rest of the year are to carry on doing what I have been doing. I have thought about producing a You Tube channel, but find it easier and more comfortable to continue with the Blog, so expect more of the same.

So for 2021 - stay safe and keep on modelling.



  1. Congrats Tony. I enjoy following your blog ad reading your magazine articles. I look forward to more over the coming years.

  2. Thank you it means a lot to know that the Blog and magazine articles are enjoyed.

