Monday 22 March 2021

14th Century Cog - W, S & S additional content

Following on from my earlier post showing details of the Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy article on how to build a 14th Century Cog I have included this additional content showing how the sails were made.

I used a linen handkerchief as the base and after dying it with acrylic paints, I drew on the sail design with pencil.

The sail shape was cut out with this disc cutter. Note the small seam on the sides and top.

Using the original design as a stencil I drew on the cross.

The sail seam have been exaggerated with a watercolour pencil. In addition the seams along the edges have glued back on themselves with PVA glue. I also added a strengthening strip across the sail which was cut from the handkerchief and also glued in place with PVA glue.

The red cross was painted with acrylic paints and highlighted to show both wear and the red strips crossing each other - this is how I believe sail decoration would have been added.

The sail was further details with mending thread (a thicker cotton thread) along the edges and to produce the sail tie-backs - once again glued in place with PVA glue. (You can see this detail if you 'click' on the images).

The finished sail was stitched onto the mast with cotton ready to be installed on the cog.

The finished 28mm scale Cog with the sail in place.

When producing magazine articles for publication, I am well aware that I have to cut-down the content quite a bit. By including these additional content posts, I would hope that I could add interest to the shortened article and pass on hints and tips that would otherwise have taken up too much magazine space.


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