Thursday 25 March 2021

Scratch Built Narrow Gauge Ore Wagons - in Narrow Gauge World Magazine issue 154

I have recently received a copy of Narrow Gauge World - the January/February 2021 issue which included an article written by me showing how I scratch built a rake of three narrow gauge wagons for use on the Yellow Pelican narrow gauge railway layout which I have been building for my Grandsons Finley and Charlie.

The wagons are built to the scale of 1:27.7 or 11mm = 1 foot and run on 16.5mm Peco Crazy Track which equates to a narrow gauge railway of 18 inch gauge.

I used some second-hand HO-OO wagons for the base and built the bodies from plastic card and wire. The full article gives details of the materials used and the process of painting and weathering them. For full details search out a copy of the Jan/Feb Narrow Gauge World - issue 154.

The final image shows the three ore wagons and my latest scratch built narrow gauge Shay on a display plinth with one of my modified 1:27.7 scale resin crew shown for scale.

I would expect more articles chronicling this narrow gauge layout soon.


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