Wednesday 21 April 2021

What next for my magazine articles/tutorials?

Earlier this month I posted details of part one of my Windmill build featured in Miniature Wargames issue 457. Next month the second part will show how the model was painted and finished. See this post for more information.

I'm now looking around for some inspiration - maybe even suggestions as to what next!

Do you have any suggestions - remember, the more unusual the better. I want to be 'pushed' and not just produce variations on a theme.



  1. Perhaps a piece inspired by Conan?

  2. Ideas:
    Star Wars tramp freighter scratch build (to go with the current Legion craze)
    Mediterranean terrain, but with snow
    Bavarian terrain (timed to coincide with Victrix Bavarians release)
    Crimean trench Terrain
    Franco-Prussian era train station
    Naturalistic copse of trees
    Necromunda Hive terrain (with the proliferation of plastic terrain, you see more kitbash than scratch work these days)
    Small scale terrain (3mm village, 1/700 or 1/2400 coastal etc)

  3. WOW, thanks for those. I particularly like the idea of a Conan inspired piece.

