Tuesday 25 May 2021

The Yellow Pelican Mining Co. - completing the track laying

The track laying continued with more Peco O-16.5 narrow gauge track and some HO-OO turnouts I had spare from 'other' projects. 

As you can see I have deviated from my initial plan by adding an additional turnout at the rear of the layout (this will be covered and hidden by the buildings and rock formations).

The three turnouts are controlled by either wire-in-tube or directly by home made plastic sliders which are operated from the rear of the layout. Any areas that were cut out or cut into the foamboard base have been filled and then covered with torn newspaper glued in place with PVA glue. Please note that these sliders do not poke out from the rear of the baseboard but are contained within the edges. In the past I have experienced the issue of having these sliders/controls broken off if they stick out from the edges of the baseboard. Something that is extremely frustrating.


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