Saturday 8 May 2021

The Yellow Pelican Mining Co.

The Yellow Pelican Mining Co. is a true flight of fancy, a scratch-built narrow gauge railway layout that I am building as a side project for my grandsons - Finley and Charlie. The model is based on a small, imaginary mining operation in the California/Nevada mountains and uses a run-down 18 inch narrow gauge steam railway to transport the ore. 

The model is being built to the scale of 1:27.7 or 1mm = 1 foot running on 16.5mm HO-OO/Peco 'Crazy Track'  track. The unusual scale means that almost all of the features will need to be scratch-built on HO-OO engine chassis and wagons.

The steam engines and wagons have appeared in earlier Blog posts while the layout baseboard was started during 'lock down' 2020, I am now waiting for the weather to warm up so I can continue with construction. Don't expect loads of updates as 'other' projects have and will continue to take priority, but I will try to post details of the planning and early construction steps soon.

What is Yellow Pelican?

A name made up by my grandsons and one that I quite like. The wooden box featured above was built by me last year from some spare pallet wood to store items during construction and features a hand painted yellow pelican and wording created on my computer and again hand painted.


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