Thursday 12 August 2021

A German Farmhouse - Miniature Wargames issue 461

Issue 461 (September 2021) of Miniature Wargames features this highly modified MDF building from Warbases. For more information see this link. The basic model has egg box card stones and wood cladding with thin card roof tiles as well as a new base.

In these two images, you can see the before and after stages - the plain kit and the new modified model.

For more information on how this model was built and painted - see the latest issue of WM.



  1. Wonderful work! he stone turned out beautifully. I have a MDF church from Warbases that I plan on giving similar treatment to this winter.

  2. Wow, that is a huge improvement over the bare building! Great work.

    Would you say that using the Warbases building as the carcass was worth the time over just scratch building the whole thing? I assume it saves a lot of time, and probably adds some utility and strength, but you are also constrained by the original.

  3. "Would you say that using the Warbases building as the carcass was worth the time over just scratch building the whole thing?"

    I'm never quite sure if the time I spend in improving MDF kits is worth it, but in this case - I saw the bare MDF model in a magazine and immediately thought - I could do something with it.....

    Was it worth it?

    I'll find out if I ever attempt to sell it. But it was fun and although there was a lot of work, I found it both relaxing and fun.

    I hope this helps.


  4. "I have a MDF church from Warbases that I plan on giving similar treatment to this winter."

    Good luck. I found the bare Warbase model a joy to work on and very robust with some fine detail as it comes. The additional work I did was to see just how much of an improvement I could make on the basic kit - I think the model turned out OK with not that much time or money being invested in it.

