Saturday 21 August 2021

The Yellow Pelican Mining Co. - one year anniversary

This week is the one year anniversary of me starting The Yellow Pelican Mining Co. layout, I did a lot of basic construction and track laying in the first instance, but then moved on to the two main buildings as you can see here. 

I have added wooden supports to the larger mine building/office and a sign board ready for the official naming. Later I modified the front to include a couple of sliding doors (non-operating).

The final images shows how the two buildings will fit together. They are still separate as I find it easier to work on.

I can report that there has been a lot of additional work done on the buildings and the layout and I hope to be able to show images of the progress soon, but as stated earlier this is a long-term project and one that has not and will not be taking priority (at least for now).
