Thursday 26 August 2021

Warhammer 40000 Imperium - new from Hachette

The latest Hachette partworks is now available from W H Smiths. Warhammer 40000 Imperium part 01.

My first impression is that you don't get that much for your £2.99, just two plastic figure kits - a Space Marine and a Necron, six D6 and a plastic ruler plus all the usual printed stuff, but I still bought issue 01, just because I had money on my WHS gift card.

I don't expect I'll pick up any more issues, they are too expensive and there's no way I'll be subscribing.

For more information see this link.



  1. Looking over the list of forthcoming issues, there might be some that interest you, either because they have paint or terrain.

    For a 40k fan there are of course more interesting issues because they are such great "deals", but for a more general wargammer/modeler, the appeal is limited.

  2. I agree, but in the past the initial issue deals were so much better value offering better deals.
