Thursday 9 September 2021

Malvern Flea Fayre 2021

Sue and I attended the Bank Holiday Show at The Three Counties Showground, Malvern at the end of September. We try to get to at least one show or fayre each year as I enjoy walking around the stalls and seeing all those items I used to own!

I picked up a number of interesting finds which I felt could be of use when building or painting models.

The main purchase - I bought it for just £7.00 was this antique airbrush. The markings show COLOUR SPRAYS LTD LONDON and 5018. I've tried to find out more information, but the best I could do was an image of three similar models with different cups. If you have any additional info. please comment.

After a quick clean with plain water and washing up liquid, I was surprised to find that it works perfectly. I've since used it to spray paint a piece of scratch built terrain.

The two Swann-Morton scalpel handles were spotted on a art material table, and for just 50p each I thought it would be silly to miss out.

The final item is this universal set square which was £1.00. I'm aware that it will need some cleaning up but for model making, it is just the right size.

So for just £9.00 I have now have four very handy modelling tools.

I am still looking for replies to the Dampf's Wargame Terrain Survey, just three simple questions to help me with future terrain builds - for more information, see this post. Thank you.


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