Friday 15 October 2021

More Trees - part four

Continuing with the theme of trees for the wargame table, today's post shows how I took this simple 'bottle brush' type tree and remodelled it into a more realistic example.

Once again this toy tree was from my collection of used model trees. It was a bottle brush style tree with foam beads and a broken trunk.

I used my paint stripping heat gun to melt the foam beads and clean up the branches, then set about trimming the shape with a small set of scissors. I might have gone a little too far as the shape was a bit sparse once I had finished.

The new trunk is a section of plastic tubing superglued in place and the flocking was some mid green foam flock I had in my spares box. I used PVA glue to attach the flock and two thick layers of flock to give a more luxurious covering.

The remodelled tree was attached to a MDF base with some metal bases glued in place before the groundwork was built up with DAS modelling clay and textured with sieved stones, sand and sawdust.

The base was painted in my usual Snakebite Leather colour and detailed with more railway scatter and flock applied over PVA glue as well as some ground foam glued in place with superglue.

The final image shows the two trees side by side. - the new tree is a great improvement over the simple toy tree and is 160mm tall on a MDF base.


1 comment:

  1. Thinning out some of the branches has really improved the tree.
