Tuesday 19 October 2021

More Trees - part six

Following on from my earlier post in which I detailed how the trees were modified and the base was built. I have now finished the painting. The groundwork was painted in my usual Snakebite Leather colour and the stones picked out in grey, highlighted with white. The silver birch tree trunks were painted in a dirty grey colour with some pure white splotches as seen when studying a similar tree that grows in a neighbours garden.

The painted base was then flocked and decorated with various flocks and even the odd static grass tuft while the final image shows a Flintloque RifleOrc alongside to give an idea of scale. The largest silver birch tree is 180mm tall and the three trees are mounted on a MDF base that is 150mm x 85mm.

I think the tree stands look great and I was very pleased with the final result.


1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying these tree refurbishments, which should be particularly useful given this era of cheap tree packs from China.
