Wednesday 6 October 2021

The Yellow Pelican Mining Co. - signwriting

The latest update shows the main Yellow Pelican sign all finished. The design was created on the computer, printed off in black and white and then cut into stencils. I used a pencil to apply the design to the main building and acrylic paint and a fine paint brush to finish off.

Since the last update, I have also weathered the wooden areas with various washes.

This final image of the structures show the main building and loading shed on the layout. I have not glued either in place as I still find it easier to work on away from the layout. For larger images, just click on the pictures.

I'm not sure if I have shown these pictures of my layout storage box which was built from old pallets and nailed together with shop bought nails.



  1. That is a fantastic building- the wood is beautifully rendered.

  2. Thank you. It has become a labour of love.


  3. Going from strength to strength and really coming together now. I did wonder at the "shop bought nails" as it seems to imply you also make your own nails... O_o

  4. "shop bought nails"

    There is a reason I use this term.....

    I tend to reuse nails that have been removed from pallets. Straightening them out on my garage step before reusing them. In this case I used new nails (shop bought) - slightly unusual for me.


  5. I think it looks quite the treat. The rust on the corrugated roofing, on the right side. looks a little to "sharp" for my tastes, feathering the edges a bit would be better. Pretty nit picky on my part. Reminds me that I need to get back to my buildings. Love the work Tony, keep it up.

  6. Thanks for the comment - I'm sure that this could be amended once I glue the buildings in place.

