Tuesday 16 November 2021

A Flea Market Purchase

This well-worm wooden mallet was picket up at one of the Malvern Flea Markets earlier this year for just 50p. It was in a very sorry state and you might have been forgiven for thinking that it was a waste of 50p.

But after taking it apart, trimming the head and shortening the handle I was able to sand the wood and polish it with clear wax to produce this.

November has been a bit Silver Bayonet heavy and this post is no exception. Taking inspiration from this image (see below), I carved the mystic sign on to the mallet head and now have a Silver Bayonet themed mallet.

No doubt the SB theme will continue for a while (sorry) with the Elf (French) unit taking pride of place, but once they are finished, I'll need an opposition force. 


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