Wednesday 16 February 2022

Markers for my Flintloque/Silver Bayonet cross over - part four

Today's post shows how I made some re-load or shooting markers for my Flintloque/Silver Bayonet cross over project. The inspiration came when I spotted some laser cut acrylic markers on ebay. I was tempted to pick them up but then thought that I had seen similar flintlock pistols in a LEGO Pirates set. A quick Google search showed that there were indeed plastic flintlock pistols available via LEGO, but better versions were for sale from Playmobil and I then ordered five via ebay.

I used these wooden discs as bases. Each one is 35mm across and just 3mm thick.

The five plastic Playmobil flintlocks arrived with one missing a flint holder (top right), but not too worry as I could base this one with the flint on the base edge.

The five Playmobil pistols were glued in place and the groundwork built up with DAS modelling clay. The sixth pistol was found in my 'spares box'. I think it was from the Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean play set.

The groundwork was further textured with sieved stones and sand applied over PVA glue.

The final image shows the painting and varnishing done and just awaiting the static grass and base decoration to be added.

Total cost was just over £3.30 for six gaming markers and I think they look great and in keeping with my Flintloque/Silver Bayonet themes.


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