Sunday 27 March 2022

A busy day in the shed

Yesterday, we had a day trip to Cirencester where we visited the Corinium Museum and had a picnic in the Abbey grounds. On my return home, I was given a piece of old worktop and a sheet of plywood which I thought I would use to rebuild my workbench.

In the end, I used some MDF and strip wood to build the new bench and spent most of the time repairing and modifying my home-made workstation. This image shows the newly cleaned work area (it very rarely looks this clear and organised).

The two angle-poise lamps have daylight bulbs and magnifiers, but I usually just use the 'clip-on'magnifiers for painting. As you can see I have a very wide variety of different paints from numerous manufacturers with tube acrylics and craft paints kept in a drawer behind the chair. Most of the modelling tools I use are either in the set of drawers under to bench and to the left or stacked in a tool caddy to the left and within easy arms reach.

I have a DAB radio to the left which is constantly on when I'm down the shed.

The shed is now over twenty three years old and has just had another coat of wood preserver, although I think the window frames may need replacing next year.

My wife calls the shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden my TARDIS as time has a habit of moving at a very different rate while I'm sitting at my workbench! "I'm just going down the shed for 5 minutes" - 2 hours later the bell (yes I have a doorbell which Sue can ring to call me in for food or tea) will ring, where I'm told I've been two or three hours.....



  1. Hmmm... this is the second consecutive entry on my blog roll about hobby desk re-organisation. Perhaps there is a hint being made...

  2. It's called Spring Cleaning for a reason!
