Tuesday 24 May 2022

Yellow Pelican Mining Co. - A New Locomotive part eight


The scratch built locomotive was undercoated with an enamel spray paint. I used multiple light coats to get a smooth all over coverage and allowed the paint to fully dry before handling the model. I did make one silly mistake; I forgot to mask the clear panel to the front of the lantern but was able to scratch the paint off with a sharpened cocktail stick.

I always feel that the first application of paint, especially an undercoat helps to 'bring the model together', particularly when you have used multiple materials during the build. The next step will be to add colour and following the earlier You Tube tutorial featured in the previous post, this will be a black basecoat.

I should also point out that the cab is still not glued in place, this should make painting a little easier.


1 comment:

  1. You are right- a solid primer coat does tie everything together.
