Thursday 13 October 2022


Or my case, the lack of blogging.....

The last couple of weeks have been difficult as I have had a very bad case of shingles, which has meant that with the exception of doctors, pharmacy and hospital visit, I have not been over the door. Things are slowly improving, but I'm still not fully recovered and I have still to find my Mojo.

Hopefully, I can get back to regular blogging soon.



  1. Thank you. I think I am over the worst.

  2. I hope you are better soon; never had shingles but I here it can be quite painful. I have been off work for the last month as I have done in two discs in my back; although I have been more active commenting on blogs, as I spend a lot time laying on my back, my hobby time has not been as much as I had hoped since sitting for periods is difficult. So, I don't really have anything to blog about.

  3. Thanks for the comment and I hope you too get better soon.

  4. Sorry to hear that. Glad you are on the up.
