Sunday 1 January 2023

New Years Eve and the first day of 2023.

Happy New Year. 

I thought I'd start 2023 with a short story and this free modelling tool tip.

First the story. We had decided not to stay up late for the New Year, My daughter Holly who was staying with us, had said that she would not stay up and we were looking for something of an early night - there was nothing on terrestrial TV that we fancied and were settling down for a late supper then a game or two before bed.

After searching Prime we thought it would be great to re-watch the Prime series Reacher staring Alan Richson and written by Lee Child. After the first episode we watch the second, then the third and then the fourth, by 12 O'clock were had made our way through six episodes and were even thinking of starting the seventh. Common sense took over and we eventually went up to bed just after 12.30am - catching up on the last one and a half episodes this morning.

We had watched the whole series when it first came out earlier in 2022, but it was well worth watching again and we might just have stated a new Harwood's New Years tradition!

And now for the free modelling tool.....

I had seen in the latest issue of Airfix Model World a neat clamp made from plastic trouser hangers. then yesterday I saw the same hangers being given away free in the local DIY store. I thought they would make a great first day of 2023 Blog post.

The hangers need the cross bar to work properly, as seen in this illustration below.

I cut the cross bars shorter and sanded the edges smooth.

Finally, we have the clamps in use.

Six plastic modelling clamps for free - my New Years gift to all my followers.


1 comment:

  1. This is real discovery, never thought about using those in my 40+ years as model builder. Thanks
