Tuesday 14 February 2023

Malvern Flea Market and Collectors Fair

On Sunday, Sue and I visited the Malvern Flea Market and Collectors Fair at the Three Counties showground, Malvern. I enjoyed browsing the stalls but for quite some time didn't see anything I wanted to buy.....

Then I spied some Garden Rail Magazines (3 for £1.00) and later Military Modelling and Wargames Illustrated magazines (4 for a £1.00 - I gave one to Mum as it included an article written by me), but my best, best, best buy was this small tool box.

I had spotted a VANCO Co. Ltd printing box and was looking at it because the box was so well made, but I said to the stall owner that I wasn't sure I would use it. He said "have you looked in the drawer?". I had not as the box was orientated with the drawer to the back and not able to be seen. I turned it around and there in the drawer was this small green case which contains some exquisite tools and interchangeable handles.

Image 2

The closed case marked V3-SET VANCO Co. Ltd.

Image 3

A close-up of the case.

Image 4

The contents of the case.

Image 5

A detail shot of the contents - beautifully presented modelling tools and complete. The small metal tube (centre right) contains some more pointers and some drill bits.

How much did it cost me? - Just £5.00. I didn't even try to barter or haggle, I paid the £5.00.

A real steal and some exceptionally well made detailing tools for my model making tool box.


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