Sunday 26 February 2023

The Geologist's Hammer

On my last visit to Swansea I was given this old Geologist's Hammer by my Uncle Ray. The hammer had once belonged to a visiting student who was researching rock deposits on the Gower Peninsular and who had stayed with Ray and Liz when they owned Tenby House - a Bed & Breakfast hostel in Mumbles, Swansea. When the student left to go home he was very upset to have mislaid his hammer. Many years later Ray was working in his shed having moved to a new house and came across the hammer which had obviously been placed in one of the old tool boxes. Ray had heard how I had been educating my two Grandson's about rocks and minerals and how I had given both Finley and Charlie both tools and fossils for them to collect.

Ray said that I could have the hammer and I thought it would be a great renovation project. The hammer had since been painted black and the handle was very loose.

After polishing the hammer head, I was ready to attach it to the cleaned up handle - a hickory handle which I had modified and sanded smooth.

The finished head and handle were reattached with both a wooden wedge and a metal pin.

Finally I painted the handle base in a transparent green colour and oiled the handle before polishing it.

A great little project that I'm proud to own. I hope the previous owner - The Geologist who was visiting South Wales approves of the renovation. I will show the Grandson's the finished hammer when I next visit.



  1. That’s a nice restoration!

  2. Yes it has been fun and brings back so many memories of when I was a schoolboy and exploring for fossils on the Gower coast.
