Friday 31 March 2023

The Enormous Turnip - Turnip28 themed terrain

I have recently seen a YouTube video commenting on both Turnip28 and Sludge - both games with a Grimdark/Napoleonic feel. I've yet to convert or paint up any miniatures but have downloaded the Turnip28 V16 rule set and have enjoyed reading and researching this unusual game.

In a mad fit of modelling I wondered if I could build a piece of themed terrain and here is the result of a mornings work - The Enormous Turnip.

The model was built from a piece of insulating foam and then detailed with DAS modelling clay before being mounted on to a circle of 3mm thick plastic card and having the groundwork built up with more DAS before being detailed with sieved stones and sand.

Painting was very dark, with lots of black/brown washes and a limited use of purple paint.

I think it looks OK, and has certainly prompted me to look at converting some miniatures for use with this game. For more information, a GOOGLE search for - Turnip28 will give loads of inspiration.


1 comment:

  1. Heh, you could have dried and varnish coated a turnip instead :)
