Saturday 18 March 2023

The Machinists Tool Chest - A very special gift

Yesterday I was given this very special gift - a second hand Machinists Chest with tools! I've been looking for a similar tool chest for years and have seen many second hand boxes for sale but you either have to pay a fortune or they are in a terrible state. This one is an ideal 'fixer-upper' and has this selection of 1930's or 1940's engineers tools.

The chest needs some work and a new front, but I think that is part of the appeal. But that's not all..... Just check out what came with this tool box.

The drawer front and rear have the M&W or Moore & Wright, Sheffield England marks, but the tools are also marked E. Evans an engineer from Oxford. Expect more posts detailing the tools and others giving facts and backstory for Mr. Evans but for now the question is.....

Should I do a full restoration back to bare wood or a more subtle restoration keeping the oily patina?

Thank you Mal and Holly for this very spacial gift.



  1. I Would keep the old patina.

  2. I would keep the older look as much as possible, Simon

  3. Whatever's in best nick would probably have been most important to the former owner. If the chest is near the top of the list then subtle. If it's not - however you'll appreciate it most.
