Sunday 30 April 2023

Cyclops update - finished

The Del Prado Cyclops all varnished, based and finished. The model was bought in Italy, when on a short city break to Lucca and cost just 5 Euros. I've re-based and re-painted the miniature as well as doing some remedial sculpting, adding skulls and general tidying up. the Cyclops is just over 80mm tall and will be a great addition to my Typhon or Greek mythology collection of 40mm Hoplites that I have been collecting for some years. For more information, see the Typhon label.

The final image shows the painted Cyclops alongside one of the 40mm Miniatures from the out of production range once sold by Spartan Games. I am very pleased with the 'sickly' purple and blotchy skin tones, something that sets this model apart from my otherwise 'clean' Typhon figures.

I am now looking through my 'lead mountain' for suitable minis I can add to this project and will keep the Blog updated with any developments.
