Friday 5 May 2023

Another second hand magazine haul

Yesterday afternoon after a quiet pub lunch, Sue and I drove to Pershore for a relaxing walk and browse around the shops. I was especially lucky with these magazine finds which were picked up in two separate charity shops for just 50p each.

The first three are aeroplane magazines, which I enjoy reading while sitting in the summerhouse and drinking tea with biscuits. Two Flypast magazines and Aeroplane all from 2022.

The second group is selection of railway modelling magazines - BRM, Railway Modeller and one of my favourites, Garden Rail. There is always something of interest in these magazines and once again, I'll leave them in the summerhouse to browse on sunny days.

The final magazine or pamphlet is R100 and R101 - a selection of articles first published in 'The DIRIGIBLE' a magazine produced by the Airship Heritage Trust. This was a real find and something that I have not been able to find out much about. Even so, I look forward to reading about these iconic airships.

A close up of the magazine cover.


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