Friday 26 May 2023

Turnip40 - an update

I've been asked to include additional images of the snail shell backpacks included on two of my 40mm scale Turnip40 miniatures.....

The original Blog post can be found here.

The snail shells were collected from my back garden and filled with Greenstuff before being glued in place with superglue and then painted with the same techniques used on the rest of the figures.

The second figure also uses a snail shell from the garden, but this one is a little more ornate and was painted with a slightly metallic colour scheme.

The shells were both cleaned before use and come from a selection of seaside shells that I picked up some time ago to decorate the seaside themed summerhouse we have in the garden.

A case of using what I had available.....


1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for the extra photos, and the info on this AFAIK unique yet fitting twist on the Turnip genre. Inspired.
