Sunday 21 May 2023

Turnip40 - using 40mm figures with the Turnip28 background

Some time ago, I posted details of a scratch built enormous turnip piece of terrain that I had built for the game Turnip28. For more information, see this link. Since then I have searched through my collection of 40mm figures and built this group of Turnip40 characters.

The first uses the body from a 40 HLBS figure of a Napoleonic rifleman and the helmet and crossbow from a 40mm LOTR figure mounted on to a square base and painted in the typical 'grim dark' style associated with Turnip28.

Figure number two uses the body from an old Flashing Blades 40mm Napoleonic Rifleman miniature and a scratch built head or mask. Again painted in the Turnip28 style including static grass tufts.

Mini number three is a real missmatch of bits and pieces. The legs from a Napoleonic cavalryman, body from a 40mm spartan, arms from a 40mm LOTR figure and the turban from a Horror Clix figure. The sword was from my spares box and the painting was just as dark as the earlier models. Of note is the real snails shell glued to his back!

The groups leader is a cross kitted mini using a ACW body, legs from a 40mm LOTR mini and head from the same figure. The spear was from my spares box and once again I have used a real snails shell as a backpack.

Finally we have a 40mm Foundry ACW body and arms with a scratch built carrot head and modified gun. This was great fun to paint as I used a real carrot as inspiration for the head and the belt decoration.

I'm not expecting to convert or paint up many more Turnip40 minis, but who knows - they were great fun to convert and paint.



  1. These are fab. Great work.

  2. Thank you. They were great fun to convert and paint - not my usual style or techniques, but very satisfying.


  3. But what will you do with them? Maybe it’s because I see this as a fad game and do not really ‘get’ why you would play or const4uct these.

  4. "But what will you do with them?"

    Not sure. I look upon these and other 'butterfly' projects as a break - a change from my usual modelling themes and see them as painting projects to occupy me while other projects are stalled.


  5. These look great.
    Just one request, how about some photos that show the snail shell backpacks ?

  6. "Just one request, how about some photos that show the snail shell backpacks ?"

    I'll try to get some uploaded in the next couple of days.

