Thursday 10 August 2023

Flintloque - One figure at a time. A new project.

Over the last couple of weeks there has been some talk on various Flintloque groups, particularly Orcs in the Webbe about a possible Todaroni themed challenge based around the new Todaroni releases from Alternative Armies. When nothing came of the challenge, I thought I would search through my Flintloque 'bits box' and see what I could find.....

As a result of the search, I came across these two identical models of Sharke from one of the AA boxed sets. I have already painted up one for my collection and thought he would be a good base for a conversion.

In the same 'bits box' I had this single Todaroni, one of the original AA releases and a figure I had both based and started painting. Of note is the fact that it was the only AA Todaroni I had in my to-paint collection!

'Off with his head'. I used a jeweller's saw to remove both heads and some files to clean up the figure before pinning and gluing the miniature. I have used both Milliput and Green Stuff to tidy-up the join. The most difficult part of the conversion was deciding on the placement of the new head - I wanted to keep the 'head down and hunched stance of the original Todaroni sculpt.

'Hiding the join'. You can see how I have used more Green Stuff to add detail to the front and the rear of the figure. This was the first part of the conversion and I will now need to wait for the Green Stuff to fully harden before adding even more detail.

I've not converted or painted a Flintloque miniature for some time and the Orcs in the Webbe posts have re-kindled my Flintloque/Silver Bayonet interest and I look forward to posting more.


1 comment:

  1. Yasssss ....we want more !!! Haha - nikki
