Thursday 14 September 2023

Planning my new 1/35th scale Narrow Gauge Layout

Over the last month, I have been busy starting my latest 1/35th scale narrow gauge project - a small Inglenook layout for me to run my 1/35th scale fireless engine and scratch built wagons. The initial plans called for a 5-3-3 Inglenook starting from the left hand edge and then crossing a small dyke before the first turnout which should finish in front of a factory unit or main building and be able to hold 5 wagons. The second turnout will feature two smaller storage tracks each capable of holding 3 wagons, hence the 5-3-3 shunting puzzle - for more information on the Inglenook design and operation, see this link.

The following designs show the planning process and the 'Banjo' layout which was ultimately rejected in favour of a simpler rectangular design but I have chosen to show some of the many sketches that were doodled prior to deciding on my final layout.

Throughout the whole planning I wanted curved and not plain straight track lengths as I feel they look so much better. One other consideration is to make it as light and easily transportable as possible.

This perspective sketch shows the design in its near finished and finalised phase.

I'm not expecting this to be a quick project - The Yellow Pelican took over two years from start to finish, but I am looking forward to having a serious shunting puzzle layout and being able to transport it between the garage and the dining room table with ease.

Stay tuned for further updates.


1 comment:

  1. I very much look forward to seeing where this goes…
    Alan Tradgardland
