Friday 27 October 2023

1/35th scale Narrow Gauge Layout - part four

Progress has been slow with other modelling projects taking priority and the change in the weather meaning that I have not been able to work on the layout - however, I have made some progress.

The track bed is 5mm thick under laminate insulation - I am hoping that this will cut down on the amount of track noise. It is stuck down with PVA glue. Most of the groundwork is cardboard covered with strips of torn newspaper reinforced with glue and then DAS Terracotta air drying clay over the top.

The tunnel mouth and over bridge have proven to be the hardest part to model as I wanted a sweeping curve and needed enough room for the existing fireless engine and wagons to fit under.

More DAS, this time DAS White applied over dilute PVA glue to build up the embankment on the left hand edge of the layout.

I would expect to get at least one more modelling update before it becomes too cold to work outdoors but hopefully you can see how this small layout is progressing.


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