Friday 5 January 2024

Workbench update #1

I don't usually post images of my work-in-progress preferring to update the Blog when I have something substantial to show or a new magazine article in print. In a change from my usual methods I though I would give you a peep behind the scenes.

Yesterday was the first day that I have been down my shed for nearly two months - the wet and cold weather plus another occurrence of Shingles has meant that I just haven't wanted to be in the cold and I've also lost some of my model-making MoJo. But that has now changed and I did spend a couple of hours at the workbench both tidying up and starting another project for Miniature Wargames magazine.

I already have three articles under my belt for MW and I will be posting details once the magazine is in print but it is always nice to start something new. In addition any progress on the 1/35th scale narrow gauge railway layout (I still have to decide on a name for this layout) has also been curtailed and I expect more modelling on this project once the weather changes for the better. I would also have liked to have done some figure painting - in fact I have a group of Flintloque minis on the shelf at the side of me as I write this post, that have been converted, based and undercoated - they have been like this for some time! Maybe soon.

Apart from some DAS modelling clay and a set of detail brushes, which I had as Christmas presents I have not spent that much on my hobby. I still need to decide if I will be exhibiting at the West Midlands Military Show in March. I think I will be, but I still need a 'kick up the backside' and confirm. If I do exhibit, I will make sure to post details.

Am I alone in finding this period - the first few weeks of the year or these cold nights a hindrance to any modelling or figure painting? I much prefer to be in the warm watching TV or searching some YouTube content.

That's all for my first Workbench update. If the post proves successful, I will post more.



  1. Happy New Year Tony - looking forward to seeing more of your projects this year - in Australia we have had a very wet summer so far which has played a bit of havoc with many people's plans here too!

  2. Tony, No I do not think you are alone. The cold has certainly curtailed my painting and modeling activity. Whilst some short stints have been possible, you can only take the cold for so long. I am glad you are back modeling again. The work bench looks really well organised, and tidy. TIM
