Friday 9 February 2024

A Roman Onager for Pax Bochemannica part two MW issue 491

Issue 491 of Miniature Wargames (March 2024) has part two of my two part series showing how I first built and then painted my extremely rare model of a Roman Onager (ass or catapult) for the game Pax Bochemannica. The model was built following plans found in the now out-of-print book Airfix Magazine Annual 6 and painted using a number of painting techniques to reproduce the exposed wooden structure. In addition I used matt, satin and gloss varnish to differentiate the different materials used in the original.

For more information issue 491 of MW is now available to purchase or you could check out this link.



  1. I really like the colour of the iron fittings; a nice dark iron, with a bit of oxidization showing. It's perfect.
