Monday 22 April 2024

Flintloque Spanish - one mini at a time

Over the last couple of months I have not been painting miniatures - I'd lost my Mojo.....

But following some positive comments on this Blog, I have set myself the challenge of painting a group of eight Flintloque Spanish figures for my Silver Bayonet/Flintloque crossover project. The eight based and undercoated minis have sat very patiently on my To-Do shelf for nearly a year. I thought it was time I got around to painting them and using the tried and tested technique of painting just one mini at a time here are the first four painted and finished Spanish.

I'm not expecting any awards for the 'down and dirty' techniques I have used, but they have got me back to the painting bench and I have to admit that I've enjoyed the experience. While painting these I read in the magazine Airfix Model World that the editor had experienced a similar feeling of lost Mojo and it was reassuring to read that I was not alone in this affliction.

Thank you for all the positive comments.
