Monday 27 May 2024

Malvern Flea Market Haul May 2024

Sue and I have just returned from the latest Malvern Flea Market held at the Three Counties Ground, Malvern. For most of the morning the weather was glorious and apart from a brief shower around lunch time, the rain held off.

The first image shows my tool haul - total spend less than £12.00. The best purchase was this Thayer & Chandler air brush which I picked up for £5.00 for both the air brush and the wooden boxed Exacto knife set. The air brush was in a terrible state, but less than one hour later I have cleaned off all the gunk and polished the main body. I've not been able to test it as the screw thread is different to my air hose connector, but the plunger and needle adjuster work perfectly.

Here you can see the air brush after cleaning. Thayer & Chandler air brushes are now sold/manufactured by Badger.

In the bottom of the plastic box was this receipt dated 82 - 04 - 03 for £38.32 so I have had a great bargain. 

The serial number 14203 A A is clearly stamped on the upper barrel.

I look forward to testing it with some paint.


1 comment:

  1. I now have an adapter and I can confirm that this air brush works perfectly with my compressor.
