Thursday 2 May 2024

Writing for Miniature Wargames

Earlier this week Sue and I were visiting my mother who still lives in Swansea, South Wales. A weeks visit was disrupted by bad weather but we did have a couple of walks along the promenade at Mumbles and at least one Joe's ice cream. While staying with Mum, She pulled out some of the earliest magazines that I had written for and I re-read a few as bedtime reading. This issue from October 2012 was the first time I had written for Miniature Wargames. More details can be found here.

I had previously written for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy with a number of tutorials showing how I built and painted scratch built wargame terrain, but this was the first time for MW. I am now approaching the 12 year anniversary with another milestone on the horizon..... I have written for Miniature Wargames for each and every issue since January 2020 (issue 442), that's 51 issue without a break and still going!

It is great to sometimes re-visit these earlier article and remind myself of the techniques and models I have built.

Long may it continue.


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