Friday, 6 December 2024

Port Tasting 2024

It is something of a festive tradition that I present a short talk and tasting of various Ports in the run up to Christmas. This year following a short city break to Porto earlier this year I had much more to talk about. Sue, Holly and I spent five days in Porto and we were lucky enough to visit a number of Port houses in Vila Nova de Gaia where I was able to sample many, many Port wines and re-acquaint myself with the Houses and Lodge of Portugal's finest wines. 

In a break from previous years I did not have a "guess the Vintage Port competition" but instead copied the sampling and tasting processes shown to me during the visit. 

We started with a chilled White Port from Tesco and then moved on to what I believe to be one of the best value Ports - Graham's Late Bottle Vintage 2019 then finishing with Taylor's 10 year old Tawny. I can confirm that a great time was had by all the guests and a collection for charity raised over £100.00. So a double win.




  1. Try have some port and Vimto, a very nice drink.


  2. Port and Vimto! Not something I have tried.
