Monday 26 May 2008

Narrow gauge model railway layout

Some years ago my son, Gareth and I built a narrow gauge model railway layout - that never got finished. Earlier today I came across these photos of the layout being built. The models are all 'scratch built' to the scale of 7mm = 1foot and to the narrow gauge of 2foot 3inches (16.5mm or HO/OO track). For anyone interested the correct notation is O-16.5 (with O = scale of the figures and 16.5mm = the track gauge).

The top four photos show the right hand side of the layout, that was very near to being finished. The whole layout was mounted on an old internal door and the track layout was an oval or 'bone' shape. The end that was fully finished was meant to be the supply yard, while the other end was to be a factory unit.

The fifth photo shows the main engine shed and water tower before being attached to the baseboard. The next two show items of 'clutter' that were painted but never added to the layout and the final photo show the right hand side of the layout in full - with motive power and wagons.

The engines are models of Kerr Stuart, four wheel narrow gauge, diesel engines and the wagons were based on designs and drawings from the Welsh Highlands Railway. The engines and wagons won a modelling competition at the 7mm Narrow Gauge Railway Association some years ago, but have since been very badly damaged, maybe beyond repair.

The buildings are a mix of designs, built from card, balsa, DAS modelling clay and plastic card. The track and points are from PECO.

Ground cover is a mix of ground foam, scouring pads and flock. I also experimented with painted lint from the lint filter in a tumble drier. I painted diluted PVA glue on to the base board then attached the lint, when dry I pulled the lint off and what was left was painted with green acrylic paint. I thought it looked OK but not fantastic.

The OSO Salt name and logo is copied from an actual salt company based in Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire which used the same pale blue and red livery on its fleet of road lorries. Sadly the company closed down some years ago - the offices are to be pulled down and a housing development is planned to be built on the site.

"The soil colour in this region is red when dry and dark brown when wet. I had tried to include this distinctive feature when modelling the ground colour, in fact some of the texture is dried Droitwich Spa soil sieved and glued to the base board!"

I would hope that some day - OSO Salt could be resurrected and the layout rebuilt, maybe a little project for my retirement!


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