Tuesday 27 May 2008

Narrow gauge model railway layout part two

Here are examples of the narrow gauge engines I have scratch built in plastic card. Each based on an actual diesel or 'high pressure steam' engine design.

They are built to the scale of 7mm = 1foot or O gauge and run on HO/OO track - 16.5mm.

In order they are a 6 wheel Kerr Stuart Diesel, a 4 wheel Kerr Stuart Diesel, an Avonside Diesel, a Sentinel High Pressure Steam Engine, a Kerr Stuart High Pressure Steam Engine and a Simplex WW1 Protected Tractor.



  1. Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Kerr Stuart high pressure steam engine? I've got a similar model I purchased from a toyfair and would like to research them and potentially 3d print them

  2. "Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Kerr Stuart high pressure steam engine? I've got a similar model I purchased from a toyfair and would like to research them and potentially 3d print them"

    The model was constructed using plans and drawings from the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association. I have the magazine somewhere in the attic, but I would suggest your best bet is to join and contact the Association and they will supply plans and re-prints of the article.

    You can make contact at;

    Good luck.

