Tuesday 27 May 2008

Narrow gauge model railway layout part three

When I got rid of the part built OSO Salt layout, I built myself a 'coffee table layout' called Ogam & Stone. A stonemasons yard with a simple 'kidney shaped' track plan and the main buildings in the centre. There are very few pictures of this particular layout, but here is one - looking towards the foremans office with Bob the workman, sneaking an early lunch.

Layout and figures are 'O Scale' or 7mm = 1foot.

Almost all of the items you see in this picture are scratch built using a variety of different materials (as OSO Salt) and inspiration from an actual stonemasons yard in the South West. I found myself parked at the side of the road, making quick pencil sketches on any piece of paper I could find, later the sketches were refined and off to work I went!


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